Borrowed this cookbook from the library. Hubby and I have been craving for peranakan food since we watch the Singaporean drama a year ago "The Little Nyonya". Unknown to many, the school that I attended for 10 years had peranakan roots too. It was set up to educate chinese girls academically and to equip young girls for their future roles in life as wives and mothers. Hmm, hasn't it achieve that purpose in me? ;p
Well I am NOT a peranakan but I do like its food - rich in taste, spices. Those who can really cook peranakan really cooks very well. I kind of regretted not learning now. But here is my chance! With this cookbook (of which I have copied down some recipes), I hope to add these peranakan dishes into my repertoire. You will know if I succeed if I blog about it ;)
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