I now have 3 nieces - A, B and C. No kidding, their names begin with those letters. A is d/o (daugther of) my SIL G and B and C (in the photos above) are d/o my SIL W.
The 2yo (year old) B can be rather talkative now and interaction with her is really fun and makes my day. 6mo (month old) C is getting very heavy and catching up with her sister B. She is smiling a lot now and would listen to you as you talk to her.
A is turning 1mo tomorrow! More photos of her next time.
I wonder if the next child's name in the family will be a "D", then an "E", etc... then again, maybe not "D" nor "E" since there are already 2 Ds and an E in the family. The next in order should be a someone's name starting with "F" :p
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