April 19, 2006

Crying Baby

It was nice to see how God changed J from a person who seemed so arrogant and proud (my first impression years ago), to someone who is humble, teachable and caring and from someone who cannot imagine having babies, she is now enjoying motherhood to a 5-month-old KK (this are the real initials of the baby, unlike baby kiki ;))

J asked if I could babysit KK today, so that she can celebrate K's birthday by having dinner out with him. I immediately agreed to it! KK is a cute baby and besides I can understand how the couple would really appreciate and enjoy the quality time spent without the baby. They've not been out alone for the last 4-5 months...

I equipped myself with things that I could spent my time with. KK was supposed to be sleeping through the night until her parents come back home. I arrived to the home and was given a short crash course on how to make milk for baby, how to feed her and how to comfort her if she were to cry. I was quite confident and didn't think much about it. KK was supposed to be sleeping and besides I've had some experience in babysitting in my early teenage years. My mum worked as a babysitter whilst caring for the 3 of us at home. Being the oldest child, I have helped mum to care for the baby too - feed him/her (there were 2 babies she had cared for. Not at the same time but after the baby girl's mum decided she can take care herself, my mum took up another baby boy to babysit in the day), burp baby, change diapers, coax baby to sleep, play with baby...

5 minutes after J left the house with hubby, KK started to make some noise which sounded a little like she was crying. I could hear her over the baby monitor. I allowed her to continue making noise a little while with the hope that she might just continue sleeping. But soon, I think I better have a look at her. In the dark of the room, I could see KK's eyes opened. I comforted her by rubbing her tummy. After a while, it doesn't work and so I had to carry her up. She continued to cry intermittantly. As soon as I brought her out of her bedroom, she stopped crying. KK looked at me, probably trying to figure out who is this auntie carrying her and talking to her. She was so cute :) I put her down beside me while I tried to check my email. She just continued to be quiet and looked at me and the computer. I could even chat with KK's aunt (J's cousin) online! After about 15 minutes, KK began to suck her fingers... indication that she is hungry. So I went to make 30 ml of milk for her as instructed. But the fussy little KK quite refused to drink and preferred her thumb, fingers and all. She began to cry a little more and I tried to pacify her using many methods - sing to her, play music for her, carry her and walk around the house, checked her diapers, tried to feed her again, stood by the window to distract her with other kids playing downstairs, play her toys with her.... all these worked in their little own ways and short moments. It seemed anything I did still failed to distract her nor make her drink milk, although I knew her cries were to tell me that the poor girl is hungry. Poor KK wailed until her eyes filled with tears and her face was red....

Finally, J came home after 1.5 hours. And of course KK stopped crying upon seeing her mother and after having J fed her. Boy, this 57cm girl who probably weighs 7-8 kg had caused my arms to be aching after all the carrying!! Now I know how mothers train their biceps! KK smiled at me when I told her how she made me trained my biceps without me having to go to the gym. She seemed to be delighted to have helped me work out those muscles of mine. I wonder if she wouldn't mind me to accompany her again the next time when her parents go out without her..... ;) This doesn't deter me from babysitting her in future :)

(No photos of KK was posted up because she is shy... and girls should be taught modesty from young :P)

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