September 15, 2005

Tired & Stressed

The sun has set and I'm feeling drained out mentally and a bit lack of sleep. Shouldn't complain about sleep because I wilfully slept late. I shall attempt to catch up some sleep from tonight onwards. Or else my eye bags and panda eyes really is beyond hope.

Stressed out at work because I seemed to not find enough time to complete my work. Work's coming in from all ways and ironically they're all not from my boss. To top it, I just had a new admin assistant whom I've to trained to do things. But so far she's been able to help relieve some things. But being sucked into this world of instant gratification, I do wish that she can just read my mind and do the things I wish can be done without much supervision from me. There're just so many things to be done and followed through!!! Had an internal audit just now made everything worse because there are areas of deficiencies identified to be improved and to be done before my organisation go for some international accreditation. Those who work in the same industry as me would be able to understand how stressful this international accreditation makes everyone to be!!!

Besides work, the thought of things to be doing for ministries also makes me further stressed. I used to be able to have the brains to think about ministry work and
care for others. But now my work just makes me unable to do so. Still gotta go through leadership training every week and have to possibly lead a couple more bible studies because my other co-leader has to go overseas for work. It doesn't help when I really truly feel very inadequate to lead bible study. I don't think I'm gifted to lead bible study. I really wonder if my DG members are benefitting and learning from my leading, or it makes them more confused. And I still have a wedding to plan and coordinate for. I feel drained out overall, such that with whatever time that I have left available, I'd rather just stone out. Hmm, is this called burnt out?

I really don't know. But all I know is that my brains have reached a saturation point that I contemplate thoughts of giving up everything and do nothing. No ounce of energy left. I tell myself this could be something short term, since I just came back from a short holiday so I've more work to catch up. Yet I can't help it but feel everywhere and everyone is needing a piece of me (Messiah syndrome??). How do I cope with this?? Arrhhhh........ maybe its time I go do Body Combat to box and kick it all out!!! But yup I know this is also telling me that I should focus on God and not on all my stresses. He is greater and mightier than everything. What can happen outside His control?? Nothing.

3 other thoughts:

island said...

Thanks for reminder brother :) I need to really learn the 2-letter word "NO".

neonangel said...

aiiiii poor island. if there is a chance, should let someone else in church shoulder the burdens. Don't do it all by yourself! Will pray for you.

meanwhile, God's grace will carry you through this present time. Just the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that His Kingdom will come and His will be done. Don't stress out over mistakes or weaknesses. It's all taken care of in the larger sense.

island said...

Thanks for reminding me to see the larger perspective of His kingdom. So easy for us to get myopic to see the present and forget the bigger picture.

Thanks for you prayers, neonangel! :)

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