Had a bbq gathering with some friends last night and since it was the actual day of the Mooncake Festival, I bought some lanterns for the 3.5 years ago Cha Cha to play. I bought a Nemo lantern for her thinking she'll like it. Well she did like it because of the pink tail but she later preferred the pink Hello Kitty lantern... just because there was more of her favourite colour on the lantern. Sigh, kids...
As for me, I'd rather prefer to play with candles. I wonder if its the arson-nature in me to like to play with fire? Since as young as I remember about myself, I don't mind walking around my home vicinity with the beautiful lanterns, but I much prefer to light up candles and see them burn away.... I guess its rather therapeutic for me. Watching the burning candles somehow calms me... hmm, maybe it has a bit of the hypnotism effect...
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