February 3, 2010

Braised Soy Sauce Pork Belly (Tau Yew Bak)

We now own a thermal pot (aka magic cooker), a kind and generous gift from S because I helped her buy siliconware from Oz. I thought I will try out making this braised pork belly again. With about 10 mins of preparation, I cooked this on the stove with the inner pot of the thermal cooker. Overall, I probably cooked this for 15-20 mins on the stove and I just chucked it into the thermal pot and went to work. By the evening (more than 8 hours later), the pot was still rather warm. I added some salt, hard-boiled eggs and reboiled the pork mixture again. The result was good but not salty enough (which I was ok with). I think I have also added a little too much water...

I tried this recipe but may try this other one the next time.

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