Growing another year older... finding myself becoming an 'auntie' (older me). Received quite a number of kitchen/cooking related gifts from friends (even though I did not expect gifts at all. I was really happy just to celebrate with friends). That means that I have been giving the impression of being domesticated, or able to appreciate those gifts? :) I really appreciate them as they were very well-thought gifts (am I that easy to read?). To me, I thank God as I know that it is another way that He bless me and provide us with kitchenware to use and hopefully able to minister to more others with them.
Stylish recipe folder (left) from S & P and Pyrex set from M & A.
Salt & pepper set, stickmaster plus, salad bowl & servers and silicon baking tray from S, Y, Y and S & S respectively
Interesting big salad servers that hangs along the side of the bowl
There was also a recipe book of recipes from all over the world, to add to the list of kitchen theme. Notice that there were many white and pink things? :) It is not a mystery that pink is my favourite colour. Other gifts include 2 notebooks with pink and green colours, fragrance bottle/sticks, books, gift card, hair straightener (from my parents), watch (from siblings) and another pressie that is apparently on its way in the mail ;)
I feel like I do not deserve these gifts... Every gift is such a thoughtful gesture and I give thanks to God for providing what I wanted/needed through my friends. I think the best gift was the stickmaster appliance as it was something that hubby and I were considering to buy :)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above His heavenly throne. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
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