December 15, 2005

Stay Healthy!

About 2 years ago, I signed up for a gym membership and started to exercise! I think I am a little more fit now. Shed a few kilos (but now put back a little) from hitting the gym 3 to 4 times a week then (now I am down to half of that)

I enjoy quite a few Les Mills programme classes. The following are descriptions of the those that I like.

Body Combat
Combining elements of karate, kickboxing and tai chi, Body Combat is a prechoregraphed Martial Arts-based strength and endurance program, set to exciting high powered music. A great fat buring workout, this class will empower you through a variety of kicks, punches and defensive moves to increase your cardiovascular fitness, develop firm muscle tone and improve self confidence and assertiveness.

Body Pump
Complete overall strength and muscle conditioning workout; resistance training set to powerful and motivation music, using light to moderate weights with high repetitions to tone and sculpt the muscles of the whole body. Routines are based on standard weights training exercises.

Body Balance
Yoga influence holistic mind/body exercise class which focuses on developing flexibility, building core strength in the abdominals and lower back, using controlled movements in conjunction with breathing and concentration, correct body alignment, postural stability and the integrity if joints are singled out as major objectives of this program which achievable for all levels. Performed to uplifting inspirational music, this unique exercise experience is a great stressbuster that centres you and draws you into balance.

Combat provides the cardiovascular aspect. Pump helps to build strength and muscles (so that can burn more during cardiovascular activities). Balance is good to condition and stretch those muscles which you seldom use.

I am quite laxed now but shall try to keep disciplined to keep a healthy body. Exercise is important (only realised the essence of it when I'm now older :P) to get your body functioning. Its just like if you buy a machine and you don't use it, after some time it will rust or malfunction. Aren't we supposed to be good stewards for the bodies God gave us?

For those who are keen, you can check out this Nike website. Check out Workout and I think you can see demonstrations of various studio workout sessions. I think you can even do a full 30-minute workout with the 'live' demo. Enjoy!!

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