December 8, 2005

Faces & Dreams

Ever caught in situations where you see a stranger in a crowd and something tells you that he/she is very familiar to you, as if you have seen him/her somewhere else or vaguely know the person?? This has been happening to me a few times this week. Sometimes, I realise that I actually don't know the person but perhaps he/she look like someone whom I personally know....

How about dejavu (is that how you spell??), where you have dreams of things that has never happen before? Occasionally, I would suddenly realise that a certain situation, place, people or circumstance is very familiar BUT I surely hasn't been in that situation, place, people or circumstance before. Sometimes, I know that I have dreamt of it before. Sometimes, I only know that it feels very familiar but I have not been through that before. Strangely, it never happens as in a 'prophesy' where something will happen.

E.g. some 14 years ago, I sat down at a cafe having lunch with a friend. As I looked out to the corridor of the cafe, that feeling of me doing that (the scene where I look out) was so so familiar and I then realised I had dreamt of it before. And I certainly have not been to that cafe before. It was the first time I went there!

Nope, I'm not a prophetess. Dejavu doesn't bother me that much, but I only sometimes wonder why it happens....

4 other thoughts:

quop said...

did you see a black cat??! hehe.

yeah i seem to get deja vu quite a lot too. no idea why either, just find that sometimes i suddenly get the feeling that i've been there/done that/seen this before... i file that under the "ask God when i get to heaven" category :p

Anonymous said...

I read it somewhere that dejavu occurs when there is a lapse between the time the eye receives the data and the time the brain reads it. I think a mere 0.25 milliseconds will do the trick.

Or maybe you ARE a prohetess.

island said...

quop: surely this comes under the "ask God when i get to heaven" category :) I'm curious to ask if He has given me the gift of visions but I blur blur don't know ;P

sen: lapse b/w eye and brain? sounds cheem. but how to explain when i can dream of it but only had my deja vu long later?? or perhaps i have the gift of prophesy... anyone out there has the gift of interpreting prophesies???

The Rust said...

ya ya! I got experience before.

Hmmm... if God gives u a gift, i think you'll know. or else why He give u something USEDless?

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