November 9, 2005

Its Been Some Time...

... since I last made an entry. No particular reason why I didn't write. Just because I haven't had the time to sit down to reflect and to write.

There are so much to thank God for - birthday, quality time spent with close friends, weekend leader's retreat and a love story!

Thank God for friends who made my birthday special. I guess by a certain age, birthday is just another day. But it is special because I remember how much God loves me that he has given me life, given me a chance to know Him. I thank God for showing His love for me also through friends and my family. I was touched by some surprises and kind gestures of some. One of the most interesting gift I got was a handmade 'cake'. It was from my little friend. It was made of a plastic container with colourful streamers on a paper plate. She gave me the 'cake' and said "Happy Birthday, Che Che (sister) Island" That smile on her face and the handmade 'cake' by her and her mum, really warmed my heart. Of course not forgetting the time and fellowship with other friends, my music team and my DG. I thank God for you, not simply because you celebrated birthday with me, but because you have been a part of my life :)

Am also thankful for the time spent at a leaders' retreat over the weekend. Although I had made a boo-boo by preparing the wrong bible passage to simulate a bible study session, I still learnt a lot from the session. Instead of Exodus 3-4:17, I prepared to lead Exodus 3:4-17. See the difference??? At least one lesson was to make sure I read the passage carefully before I lead. Silly me!! Retreat was no totally a relaxing one, but it was good to be reminded of God's word and the reason why I'm serving and leading. After the past few months of labouring in work and ministry, I was surprisingly refreshed from the retreat. I pray that the gospel will further challenge me and grip me to lead a life that is not of the world but centred on Christ. I pray too, that God will continue to strengthen me (pastor, in his tiredness, prayed for us to be struggled!! instead of strengthened) to give and serve Him and His people. I admit I have been stagnant for the last few months that I find no energy to give. I pray for the love of His people so that I can serve joyfully and be a Christ-like testimony at church, home and workplace.

Lastly, my day was made today by hearing a love story... real love story. I cannot share it here but I was so happy and encouraged by it. I thank God for showing that He is in full control and His hand in their lives. I'm encouraged that this same God who loves me, will have a special plan for me too.

The lyrics and tune to the Benediction just came up my head...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him! All people here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

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