May 13, 2006

耶和华祝福满满! (祝福我的父母)

I am not about to blog in Mandarin but I am gonna share another Chinese song. I have heard this song a long time ago. I really like the melody of the song. Once I went to a Cantonese church service in 1999, a group of elder ladies danced to the song.

Today being a public holiday, a group of people in church organised a dinner to celebrate Mother's Day. Mother's Day is this coming Sunday. This dinner was an occasion to invite our Mandarin-speaking parents to have dinner and as a platform to share the gospel with them. I took the chance to invite my parents for the dinner. My mum did backed out at one time becos she thought that she would be tired after a day's work. But thankfully, she agreed again and she did not grumble a word about her being tired.

The programme at the event included some song presentations. Songs were sang in Mandarin, Cantonese and a brother sang the song (below) in Hokkien! (instrumental version here)

田中的白鹭鸶 无欠缺什么
山顶的百合花 春天现香味
使地上 发芽结实

The crops in the fields lack nothing. The scent of flowers on the hills are refreshing in Spring time. The almighty God bestow blessings each day. The seedlings on the ground are evident of God's love and blessings.

恩典慈爱 直到万世代


Jehovah's blessings are abundant, like sand on the beach. His grace, mercy and love are everlasting. I want to raise my hands to praise Him, sing joyful praises to Him and worship His name forever.

The song lyrics are rather poetic. The above is my literal translation of the song.

Anyway I'm thankful that my parents got to listen to the gospel message in Mandarin. Pastor OBK knows how to speak in such a way that he could engage the older folks. He used illustrations (makes people laugh) and sometimes in Hokkien, Cantonese and Teochew. He addressed the chinese virtue of fillial piety and how the relationship of God and man is reflected on us relating with our earthly parents. Pastor OBK must have understood that older chinese folks have a mindset that the "Christian God" is just another god, a god of the westerners. If chinese were to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they will be betraying their ancestors. Pastor OBK addressed these issues in a tactful manner. And he still managed to introduce the Lord Jesus Christ, whom only through Him only are we able to be spared of the wages of our sins. The gospel presentation was very clear. Though the message took 45 minutes, he could hold the attention of everyone. Everyone present stood up and Pastor led us in the sinner's prayer. Praise God for His word preached. Pray that His word will take seed in the hearers present.

The message also made me and I'm sure the other children who were present, thought of how we have been relating to our parents... the needs of our parents. It made me rethink how I have been a daughter to my parents... I think I ought to spend more time with them, and do acts of service to show my love for them. In all, I pray that I will be a good testimony and love my parents... and that they will be receptive to the gospel and respond to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I heard my mum uttered the sinner's prayer softly beside me. I believe she is slowly understanding more of the Christian faith. It is my responsibility to pray for her and continue to share with her. Dad is not so open but I shall pray and try. If you are praying for my parents, thanks... for your partnership in the gospel :)

2 other thoughts:

Anonymous said...



island said...

hi jing de, you can try the links below for the song :)

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