September 7, 2005

Burdensome Ministry - 'Toil' & 'Labour' Part 2

(I actually blogged this entry during lunch today but somehow the entire entry got lost and I have to re-enter this again. By now, I've already lost most of my thoughts.)

I didn't think that my sharing about my ministries would cause Neonangel and Mrkaif to share and reflect about their service. Coincidentally, Ron also shared how he was strengthened by God in the past week as he served too.

Sadistic as it may sound, but I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in this. I'm not the only one feeling tired, exhausted and fustrated in service. It comforts me to know that I have fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who also persevered, toiled, cried, sacrificed, laboured for the sake of the gospel. Come to think of it, my ex co-DGL and current co-DGL had also prepared bible study, attended clobs and led bible study every week for one whole year! How many hours go into that every week!! My pastors and church staffworkers also pressed on day after day... all for the joy of serving our great God, and to proclaim the good news. Paul in the Bible has also toiled and laboured for the gospel. He even went to prison because of the gospel and finally served till his death. My 'labour' is nothing compared to others.

I also take comfort in knowing that efforts would be worth it when I see God in heaven. No I'm not working my way to heaven. I don't need to because Christ has already died for me. I have my assurance of eternity because of Jesus Christ. I take comfort because when I go heaven, I only will engage in worship of God day after day. No more need to toil and labour. (Hopefully I can play the harp without much learning :P)

To end off, I would like to share a song which I had chose to sing last weekend. I found myself holding back my tears as I personally responded to the song as I sing it. But I had to control my emotions so that I could carry on to lead the congregation to sing. I hope this song will continue to remind me to fix my eyes on Jesus and let nothings distract me from Him.

Compared to Knowing Jesus
(By Mark Peterson)

Nothing I can offer to heaven, nothing I can do to make peace
Nothing in the way that I sing his songs, nothing in the way that I pray
Though I can say that I love Him, though I can lift up my hands
Though I have actions and words of grace, though I hold my head up high

There's nothing in the world or in my life, that doesn't disappear or fade away
Everything I've come to know I count as loss
Compared to knowing Jesus, my Lord
Compared to knowing Jesus, my Lord

If I am right with my Maker, it is through faith in my Lord
If I have goodness it comes from Him.
If I am pure I give thanks

I want to know Jesus my Saviour
I want to know His power to rise (from the dead)
I want to have fellowship in His grief
I want to be raised up with Him

1 other thoughts:

quop said...

hooray for mark peterson!! hehe... i find his whole album on philippians to be a gem :)

[hooray also to Paul + God, the authors of the original words on which the song is based :)]

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